Salt is considered as the king among all the tastes. It is found in many provinces. There are many types of salt out of which the following five types are main.
* Rock salt or mineral salt. (Sendha Namak).
It increases appetite, it is digestive, small and relishing. It is also aphrodisiac (increases sexual sensation), good for the eyes, has the ability to get transformed into the most minute of particles and retains water in it. It destroys the cause of heart disease and maintains the balance of all the three humor i.e. phelegm, wind and bile in our body. Sage "Charak" considers it as the best among all the salts.
* Black salt
It is relishing, salty and sharp, an appetizer and a retainer of stool during dysentery. It also destroys the worm in the body, blech or eructation, cures enlargement of skin, swelling of stomach caused by indigestion and indisposition. This salt is minute, hot, relishing, an appetizer and harsh. It also cures colic in the stomach, gastric troubles,diabetes, and enlargement of skin, indigestion, phelgm and inflammation.
* Sambhar salt
This salt is a destroyer of phlegm, is an appetizer, causes excessive humor of bile in the body, cures gastric troubles, is minute, very hot. It cures piles and phlegmatic disease.
* Common salt:
This salt is an appetizer, only if taken in small quantity, increases virility and controls foul breath. It cures indigestion, worms in the stomach, hernia, and excessive humor of phlegm and gastric troubles.
1. Gargles done with hot salted water cures throat pain and throat swelling. It also cures dry cough influenza and tonsils.
2. One hundred and twenty grams of salt dissolved in water, if taken, acts as a stomach cleaner by causing vomit. This method can extract out even the poison from the stomach. Vomit can be stopped by having plain cooked rice mixed with some ghee.
3. A mixture of salt and powdered black pepper stops vomit.
4. Salt roasted in a copper vessel till it becomes red and then had with warm water, cures fever of all variation, gastric troubles and indigestion.
5. A mixture of salt and powdered thymol, if taken cures stomach ache.
6. Salt mixed in the juices of ginger and lemon if taken daily during morning and evening time, has curative effects in many diseases like pain due to gastric trouble and enlargement of skin. It also strengthens the digestive system by purifying the humor of the wind in the body.
7. Salt dissolved in hot water and one spoonful of lemon juice added to it, has beneficial effect on the person suffering from influenza.
Salt should be used in low quantity as it invites old age prematurely. It also destroys virility. In short, use of excessive salt in our diet acts as a poison.