Barley is bitter, sweet, cool, breaks up stool, increases intelligence and appetite, good for the voice, gives strength, causes the formation of wind, destroys the humor of phlegm and bile, clears the blood impurities, cures coryza and satisfies the thirst.
1. Barley is commonly used just like the wheat. It is considered as the best cereal for a diabetic patient. If it is taken along with "Methi" or "Chauli" shak then it reduces the excessive fat from the body. It is also good for the milk-giving animals.
2. After crushing barley and then boiling it in the water till 1/4th of the total quantity of water remains and then putting it down from the fire and crushing it further for one hour and if this is given to a person having kidney pains, problems in urination, inflammation while urinating or diarrhea it gives great relief to him.
3. If the water in which barley and kidney beans are boiled, is given to a person suffering from diarrhea it gives him instant relief.
4. If plethora, inflammation and thirst the barley's "sattu" (grinded after roasting) dissolved in the water gives permanent relief.
5. The flour of Barley mixed in same quantity of sugar if drunk helps in preventing abortion. It also pacifies the excessive humor of bile.
6. Women who usually are prone to abortion get benefited if powdered barley mixed with powdered sesame, sugar and honey is given to her.
7. "Sattu" of barley drives away tiredness.
Barley should not be used by people having gastric trouble.
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