addictive. But very few know the risks of cigarette addiction.
Smoking inflicts body with many irreversible damages and reduces the
human life span by 25 years.
Effects of Smoking on Body:
Heart : Smoking is the biggest risk factor for all heart diseases.
It accelerates the process of fat deposition in the inner walls of
arteries (atherosclerosis). It increases blood pressure and heart
rate. Not only these, smoking increases tendency for the blood to
clot. It reduces the capacity of a person to exercise. (Exercises
always keep heart healthy).
Lungs : Smoking destroys small hairs present in upper parts of
airways. In normal persons these hairs protect lungs from germs,
dust and other harmful particles. When this natural cleaning system
is damaged germs, dust, smoke and other harmful chemicals enter
lungs causing infection, cough and lung cancer. The air sacs of
lungs (alveoli) get permanently damaged causing difficulty in
Digestive system: Smoking causes heart burn ,delays healing of
peptic ulcers, increases risk of crohn's disease and formation of
gall stones. It affects liver and increases chances of stomach
Legs: Smoking affects blood vessels of legs causing chronic pain in
legs. This may further progress to cause gangrene of toes or feet.
Eyes: The sensitive blood vessels of eye are easily damaged by
smoking. This causes blood shot appearance of eyes and itching. In
heavy smokers it may lead to degeneration and loss of eyesight.
Smokers are at an increased risk of cataracts.
Skin : Due to smoking the skin is deprived of oxygen and it loses
its texture. An average smoker looks 5 years older than his healthy
non smoking counterparts. The skin loses its healthy glow and takes
on a yellowish-gray cast. The more cigarettes smoked, the worse skin
will look. Wrinkles start appearing very quickly as smoking affects
elastic tissues of skin.
Bones: It accelerates the process of osteoporosis
Cancer: Smoking causes cancer of lungs, larynx, oral cavity,
pharynx, oesophagus and bladder. Tobacco smoke contains more than 60
substances which cause cancer. 87% lung cancer death occurs due to
Reproductive system: Smoking reduces fertility in both men and women.
In women: Smoking imbalances estrogen hormone in women. It causes
dryness of vagina and reduces blood flow to genital organs. Women
who smoke can get diseases of fallopian tubes and their egg
production is affected. Smoking can cause abortion. It accelerates
aging process and can cause early menopause.
The growth of baby retards when mother smokes in pregnancy. It
affects the brain development of baby and reduces IQ. This happens
even when mother is a passive smoker. The chances of miscarriage,
premature birth and fetal death increase.
In men: Smoking impairs erections and can become a reason for
erectile dysfunction. It affects semen and also reduces sperm count
and impairs sperm motility. But these are reversed after stopping
Hence quit smoking. Quitting smoking has immediate as well as long-
term benefits for you and your loved ones
If you need yet another reason to stop smoking, here it is – the toxins found in cigarettes can kill your little guys or render them immobile. Either way, you may find it exceptionally difficult to get a partner pregnant.
Research suggests that men who smoke are more likely to have a low sperm count than non-smokers. In addition, their sperm cells could potentially be misshapen, which will contribute to difficulties further down the road. deep prosolution review site
Are you paying more than $5 per pack of cigs? I'm buying my cigs at Duty Free Depot and I save over 50%.
Smoking have negative effects on our life, my father suffered from heart disease just because of it. Thank you for sharing it with us
A kind of noble advising for the smokers by throwing light on the harmfull outcomes from smoking cigerette.
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