According to "sushrut", cumin seed is an appetizer, eliminates formation of excessive wind humor and bile humor. It cures enlargement of skin and colic in stomach. Cumin seed strengthens the stomach, liver and intestines. It eliminates the worms, which are present in the intestines. It also cures flatulation, stomachache etc. Cumin seed is very beneficial for a woman after childbirth.
1. It increases the capacity of producing milk in a woman.
2. A daily use of handful of cumin seeds, cures night blindness and decreases the level of temprature in the body.
3. Twelve grams of memordic- charantia (kereal) mixed with one spoon of powdered cumin seeds cure ague.
4. A mixture of powdered coriander seeds, powdered cumin seeds and sugar, cures acidity and inflammation in the chest due to it.
5. Use of cumin seeds checks hiccups, eliminates colic in stomach, swelling of intestine due to indigestion.
6. Six grams of powdered cumin seeds mixed with old raw sugar and after making small pills of one gram each, if taken, it cures fever.
7. A baked mixture of cumin seeds, black pepper and rock salt (all in powdered form), dissolved in butter milk or whey, if taken after lunch, cures diarrhea, piles and sprue.