Whey or buttermilk is cool and light. It drives away tiredness and thirst. It destroys the excessive wind humor in the body but causes the formation of phelgm- humour. It cures gastro diseases, vomit, excessive formation of saliva in the mouth, jaundice, diabetes, diarrhea, pain, aversions, leprocy, swelling and worms in the stomach.
1.In the disease like sprue, mixing powdered leaves of the holy fig tree and dry ginger in buttermilk and drinking it is very beneficial.
2. Drinking buttermilk made from fresh milk of cow, without mixing salt in it purifies the blood. It gives strength and vitality. The complexion of the body improves. It destroys numerous disease related to wind and phelgm humour of the body.
3. If equal quantities of powdered dry ginger, powdered black pepper, powdered of the leaves of fig tree and powdered rock salt is mixed in buttermilk and then had, it cures indigestion. Similarly, if only powdered dry ginger and powdered black pepper is mixed with buttermilk, it too destroys indigestion.
4. The pulp of wood apple, if mixed with the buttermilk, cures diarrhea, dysentry and excessive haemorrhage.
5. Drinking buttermilk mixed with powdered asafoetida powdered cumin seed and powdered rock salt, cures diarrhea and abdominal pains.
6. Drinking buttermilk made out of cow's milk mixed with powdered black pepper powdered dry ginger, powdered leaves of fig tree and "Veed salt" cures abdominal pains.
7. Drinking buttermilk mixed with raw sugar (gur) cures urinary disease especially Uraemia.8. Giving buttermilk mixed with "Vayvidang" powder to the children, cures them from the worms in their stomach.
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